Chris Wu

Vail Valley Anglers Wade & Float Guide


I grew up in Connecticut and went to Boston University.

Guide Experience:

Since 2014.

Fishing Experience:

I grew up fishing for stripers in Long Island Sound and Cape Cod. I have dedicated the last decade to fishing for trout but still love going for smallmouth bass and stripers in the off season. I also chase big rainbows on the Kenai nearly every year and in 2023 I was lucky enough to swing up some steelhead in BC.

Exotic Experience

I spent 7 months fishing in South America and chased sea run brown trout in Tierra Del Fuego and red-bellied piranha in the Bolivian Amazon.

Wish List:

I would love to fish in Belize or New Zealand.


Snowboarding, mountain biking and backcountry hiking.

Favorite Thing About Guiding:

Watching someone progress and learn something new. Whether it is a first timer who learns how to mend or a seasoned fisherman who finally masters a difficult technique they have been trying at for years.